Download Toodis Driver

ODIS 6.10 PostSetup 60100.101.10 is already verified working like a charm with VAS5054A clone and VAS6154.

odis 6.10 software, free download: (password: q183lh )

Part 1. win7 64bit setup ODIS 6.10 PostSetup 60100.101.10 for VAS5054A clone

分类号 U D C 密级—— 单位代码!Q 15 1 从词汇和句法角度对网络英语的研究 王国锋 指导教师 左秀兰 职称 教授 学位授予单位 大连海事大学 申请学位级别 硕士 学科与专业 外国语言学及应用语言学 论文完成日期 2007年2月 论文答辩日期 2007年3月 答辩委员会主席 中文摘要 摘要 因特网已经直接或间接. Australia's busiest PC Hardware community, serving local and international enthusiasts since 1999. Join 25 million people and teams that organize, plan, and collaborate on tasks and projects with Todoist. 'The best to-do list' by The Verge.

Step 1. There are 5 pieces of DVD in the package of VAS5054A clone, copy them one by one onto the local disk of the computer. It will take about dozens of minutes to copy (it depends on the computer’s configuration), please be patient.

Time: to 13mins 40s

Step 2. Download and install update.

Time: 13mins 40s to 15mins 42s

Step 3. Restart the computer.

Step 4. Setup ODIS 6.1.0

Time: 15mins 42s to 18mins 53s

Step 5. Copy and replace “OffboardDiagLauncher” in the folder of “02. odis6.1.0 license”.

Time: 18mins 53s to 19mins 22s

Step 6. Copy “03.patch” to replace.

Time: 19mins 22s to 19mins 33s

Step 7. Right click on “ODIS” at the desktop, click on “Run as administrator”.

Remember: PostSetup user name: abc; password: abc.

Offboard Diagnostic Information System Updater complete, restart the computer.

Time: 19mins 50sto 22minis 26s

Step 8. Copy ODIS 6.1.0 patch to disk C.

Time: 22mins 34s to 23mins 14s

Step 9. Confirm if the driver is installed well.

Time: 23minis 25s to 23mins 30s

Step 10. Open ODIS 6.1.0 to diagnose.

Time: 23mins 41s

Part 2: win7 64bit setup ODIS 6.10 PostSetup 60100.101.10 for VAS6154

Step 1. There are 5 pieces of DVD in the package of VAS6154, copy them one by one onto the local disk of the computer. It will take about dozens of minutes to copy (it depends on the computer’s configuration), please be patient.

Time: to 13mins 40s

Step 2. Download and install updates.

Time: 13mins 40s to 15mins 42s

Download Toodis Driver

Step 3. Restart the computer.

Step 4. Setup ODIS 6.1.0

Time: 15mins 42s to 18mins 53s

Step 5. Copy and replace “OffboardDiagLauncher” in the folder of “02. odis6.1.0 license”.

Time: 18mins 53s to 19mins 22s

Step 6. Copy “03.patch” to replace.

Time: 19mins 22s to 19mins 33s

Step 7. Right click on “ODIS” at the desktop, click on “Run as administrator”.

Remember: PostSetup user name: abc; password: abc.

Offboard Diagnostic Information System Updater complete, restart the computer.

Time: 19mins 50sto 22minis 26s

Step 8. Copy ODIS 6.1.0 patch to disk C.

Time: 22mins 34s to 23mins 14s

Step 9. Open “ODIS 6.10” -> Drivers -> VAS6154 Driver to install “VAS Driver”.

Time: 23mins 16s to 25mins 14s.

Step 10. Open “VX Manger”-> “Diagnostic” -> VW ODIS 6154 -> Device.

Time: 25mins 23s to 25mins 50s

Step 11. Open “ODIS” at the desktop to diagnose and program.

Time: 25mins 54s to 28mins 42s.

—> Step 9 and step 10 of VAS6154 is different from that of VAS5054a.

ODIS 6.0 Release Notes

System requirements (as of June 2020)

Hardware dependencies:

  • CPU minimum2GHzrecommended
  • RAM >= 2 GB
  • Free harddiskstorage> 15 GB, standardfilesystemNTFS
  • The softwareusesstandardwindowsinstallationpaths


  • GetacS410/ GetacS410Performance
  • Panasonic CF-53-MK4
  • Panasonic CF-54
  • VAS 6150, VAS 6150A, VAS 6150B, VAS 6150C, VAS 6150D, VAS 6150E
  • VAS 6160, VAS 6160B, VAS 6160C, VAS 6160E
  • VAS 5054*, VAS 5054A*, VAS 5055*, VAS 6154* or VAS 6154A*(*Please note the restrictions on following page.)

Software dependencies:

  • Windows 7 or Windows 10
  • Installed libraries(DLL) for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010:vcredist_x86.exe(including Windows 7)
  • Installed Visual C++ Redistributablex86forMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010: vcredist_x86.exe(including Windows 7)
  • Internet Explorer 11.0
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 11 or Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
  • Font „Arial Unicode MS Regular“

Restrictions (as of June 2020)

Usageofvehiclecommunicationinterfaces VAS6154 and VAS6154A

Both interface types can be used under Windows 7 and Windows 10.

Download Toodis Driver

USB connectivity is recommended.

UsageofvehiclecommunicationinterfacesVAS5054, VAS5054A, andVAS5055

These interface types can be used under Windows 7.

Please note that Windows 7 support ended on December 31st, 2019.

Implemented user requirements in version6.0

In this section, the implemented user requirements of version 6.0are listed with their respective CCB-DS ID and original requirement title.

ODIS Service version6.0.0:

CCB_DS_1609The VWMCD Uninstaller must always be named the same and may occur only once.

CCB_DS_2114Adaptation of the ODIS installation directories to the Microsoft guidelines prescribed by the Volkswagen Group.

CCB_DS_2115The pop-up when calling up diagnostic objects, which was only called up to the test plan by means of sporadic error memory entries, must be adapted to the text and offer decision options that influence the status of the test plan and diagnostic protocol.

CCB_DS_2176With Crafter (LT3) translated texts from the external status list (XML RefTabfor Crafter) should be displayed. (ALM Defect 19356).

CCB_DS_2177ODIS Service must support the identity provider “Group Retail Portal” so that the services connected there can be used.

CCB_DS_2195ODIS has to implement a pop-up for deactivating the diagnostic filter for KWP control units.

CCB_DS_2199All texts within the applications and in the accompanying documents of the ODIS application must comply with ANSI Z535.6.

CCB_DS_2214ODIS service must be able to handle the SAE codes supplied by the Crafter / LT3 controllers.

CCB_DS_2215The disclaimer in ODIS Service should be extended by the warning and information texts.

CCB_DS_2218In the GFS-Light operating mode, ODIS Service must also be able to process traversing tests when simulating diagnosis.

CCB_DS_2227ODIS Service must be able to authenticate itself to the DiagEntryCollector(DEC) cloud service so that the quick diagnosis entry (CCB_DS_2113) and other remote diagnosis functionalities work.

CCB_DS_2272During the ODIS installation, the folder selection (installation folder) should be omitted.

CCB_DS_2283When diagnosing MEB vehicles, it must be ensured that the workshop mode is activated via the service portlet before starting the diagnosis.

CCB_DS_2294ODIS Service must support longer order numbers.

CCB_DS_2317The ODIS products must be able to fully display foreign language content on Windows 10 computers.

CCB_DS_2336ODIS-E must comply with the ISO standard for TCP / IP communication.

CCB_DS_2364The brand coordinator must be able to optionally specify the standard communication path at the vehicle project level.

Defect resolution in version6.0

In this section, the resolved defects of version 6.0are listed with their respective Defect ID and original defect title.

ODIS Service version6.0.0:

#16858Update OS 2.2.4: VAS 6558-6558A ODIS is available twice in the programs and functions after the update

#18402OS 3.1.0 -32.3.3 VCI 5054 Connection abort on Windows user change

#19891AVL DiTestVAS6356 and VAS6558 are not uninstalled after OS 4.3.3 has been updated to OS 4.4.7

#20032OS 5.0.3 transportmodenot possiblein TouareqMQB

#20195Content is missing in HTML variants of the diagnostic protocol. All content is available in the XML version

#20241USA: GFS terminates with exception ODS5003E (query PR numbers)

#20265OS 6.0: VAS6356 is not uninstalled

#20270 Missing objects when installing increments#20273 OS 6.0: The log helper is not installed#20275 OS 6.0: The ODIS service license cannot be changed using the Select Certificate#20278 OS 6.0 Uninstall window shows wrong text#20283 OS 6.0: Data update does not show versions of the data#20300 OS 6.0 Update VW MCD not possible#20659 ODIS service: There were several error messages ODS4009E in the field#20743 ODIS service: There is a spelling error in the German text after activating the Pro mode

#20747 ODIS S 5.1.3: Parallel flashing does not work#20756 Double vehicle projects (data backup) after update VW Baseline version 2.39.0 in the folder “MCD project”#20761 ODIS-5064 -> Communication when debugging fails#20781 The log helper 6.0.0 is not called in ODIS 6.0.0#20807 Transfer of content from a GFS program to an additional document; Display in additional document incorrect#20832 ODIS Service: Dialog “Decision sporadic event memory entry” Label button must be removed from the buttons#20833 The explanation of the status of the tests in the ODIS service manual is incorrect and must be corrected#20835 OS 6.0 and Loghelper6.0.0 do not send the feedback file to the LogHelperCloud#20845 ODIS Service 6.0.0: The texts on the buttons in the start mask have been cut off#20847 ODIS Service 6.0.0: “VW_MCD_OS” will not be uninstalled#20858 Basic setting “Exhaust gas recirculation test” can not be started. ECUKOM error message CONDITIONS NOT CORRECT

#20862 OS 6.0.0: The textin ANSI boxesisdisplayedtoosmallin ODIS Service

#20868 Duplicateentriesofmeasurementtechnologyin thesystemcontrolafter update toODIS service5.2.2

#20884 Offline SFD activationmessagewindowismissing

#20885 Offline SFD activation-removemeaninglesscharacters

#20917 [ID3] OS / -Nocommunicationvia DoiPon NEO_ID-3

#20936 [ID3] noVIN readingpossiblevia DoIP

#20945 [OE-9] [ID3] nodiagnosisentryvia DoIPpossible

Defectre solution in version6.0

In this section, the resolved defects of version 6.0are listed with their respective Defect ID and original defect title.

ODIS Service version6.0.0:

Download Toodis Driver

#20948 When using the VAS6154A, the entry VI-SUFFIX in the VRTVPT seems to be ignored

#20955 ODIS Service 6.0.0: Directories in the ODIS installation folder are not deleted when the singles setup is uninstalled

#20958 ODIS S 5.2.3: new CU_Variablebehaves differently for 0001 and 0051

#20979 Display of pressure sensor VAS611013 limited to 50mbar

#21008 ODIS Service behaves differently when starting diagnostics with backend data

#21057ODIS Service 6.0.0: Java update is not running

#21061ODIS hangs in the start screen (error from market Norway)

#21064ODIS Service 6.0.0: DSS Logon URL does not work

#21068Implausibletime units with ODIS Service 5.2.4

#21071ODIS-Service 5.2.4: During the diagnosis, the connection to the VCI was lost and could not be re-established

#21072After an update (to ODIS 5.2.4) the diagnostic interface is no longer recognized via WLAN or


#21081OS 5.2.4: The VCI is lost between two diagnostic sessions

#21144Time units too high in diagnostic protocol with ODIS Service5.2.6

#21154 & #21185Incorrect IP version selection when starting diagnostics via DoIPon ID.3

#21174ID.3: DoIP-Ackon a diagnostic request is missing

#21181ID.3: Multilink doesnot work

#20824Measurement package VAS6356_2019.3.7 cannot be uninstalled without errors

#21173The DHCP server on the VCI takes too long to negotiate the IP addresses on first contact

ODIS Service version6.0.1:

#21270Notification of outdated software when the program starts

ODIS Service version6.1.0:

#21228 & #21226Adjustment of the timeout to the operating system standard when establishing a TCP connection to correct VCI connection problems

#20236Correction PDX-Builder: Error message when exporting runtime data via symbol


ApprovedAUDI vehicles

  • All AUDI vehicles are supported.

ApprovedVolkswagen vehicles

  • All Volkswagen vehiclesaresupported.

ApprovedVolkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge vehicles

  • All Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge vehiclesaresupported.

ApprovedSeat vehicles

  • All Seat vehicles are supported.

ApprovedSkoda vehicles

  • All Skoda vehicles are supported.

ApprovedBentley vehicles

  • All Bentley vehicles are supported.

ApprovedLamborghini vehicles

  • The following Lamborghini vehicles are supported:Gallardo from MY09-MY14(only immobilizer and radio PIN code), Aventador, Huracán, and Urus.

ApprovedBugatti vehicles

  • Bugatti Veyron and Bugatti Chiron are supported.

ApprovedMAN vehicles

  • MAN-TGEissupported.

Who Viewed This Article Also Views:

ODIS 6.10 PostSetup 60100.101.10 has been tested working no issue with vas5054a Bluetooth scanner and VAS6154.

ODIS 6.10 software, free download: (password: q183lh )

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Part 1. win7 64bit setup ODIS 6.10 PostSetup 60100.101.10 for VAS5054A clone

Step 1. There are 5 pieces of DVD in the package of VAS5054A clone, copy them one by one onto the local disk of the computer. It will take about dozens of minutes to copy (it depends on the computer’s configuration), please be patient.

Time: to 13mins 40s

Step 2. Download and install update.

Time: 13mins 40s to 15mins 42s

Step 3. Restart the computer.

Step 4. Setup ODIS 6.1.0

Time: 15mins 42s to 18mins 53s

Step 5. Copy and replace “OffboardDiagLauncher” in the folder of “02. odis6.1.0 license”.

Time: 18mins 53s to 19mins 22s

Step 6. Copy “03.patch” to replace.

Time: 19mins 22s to 19mins 33s

Step 7. Right click on “ODIS” at the desktop, click on “Run as administrator”.

Remember: PostSetup user name: abc; password: abc.

Offboard Diagnostic Information System Updater complete, restart the computer.

Time: 19mins 50sto 22minis 26s

Step 8. Copy ODIS 6.1.0 patch to disk C.

Time: 22mins 34s to 23mins 14s

Step 9. Confirm if the driver is installed well.

Time: 23minis 25s to 23mins 30s

Step 10. Open ODIS 6.1.0 to diagnose.

Time: 23mins 41s

Part 2: win7 64bit setup ODIS 6.10 PostSetup 60100.101.10 for VAS6154

Step 1. There are 5 pieces of DVD in the package of VAS6154, copy them one by one onto the local disk of the computer. It will take about dozens of minutes to copy (it depends on the computer’s configuration), please be patient.

Time: to 13mins 40s

Step 2. Download and install update.

Time: 13mins 40s to 15mins 42s

Step 3. Restart the computer.

Step 4. Setup ODIS 6.1.0

Time: 15mins 42s to 18mins 53s

Step 5. Copy and replace “OffboardDiagLauncher” in the folder of “02. odis6.1.0 license”.

Time: 18mins 53s to 19mins 22s

Step 6. Copy “03.patch” to replace.

Time: 19mins 22s to 19mins 33s

Download Tools Driver

Step 7. Right click on “ODIS” at the desktop, click on “Run as administrator”.

Remember: PostSetup user name: abc; password: abc.

Offboard Diagnostic Information System Updater complete, restart the computer.

Time: 19mins 50sto 22minis 26s

Step 8. Copy ODIS 6.1.0 patch to disk C.

Time: 22mins 34s to 23mins 14s

Step 9. Open “ODIS 6.10” -> Drivers -> VAS6154 Driver to install “VAS Driver”.

Time: 23mins 16s to 25mins 14s.

Step 10. Open “VX Manger”-> “Diagnostic” -> VW ODIS 6154 -> Device.

Time: 25mins 23s to 25mins 50s

Step 11. Open “ODIS” at the desktop to diagnose and program.

Time: 25mins 54s to 28mins 42s.


—> Step 9 and step 10 of VAS 6154 is different from that of VAS5054a.

ODIS 6.0 Release Notes

System requirements (as of June 2020)

Hardware dependencies:

  • CPU minimum2GHzrecommended
  • RAM >= 2 GB
  • Free harddiskstorage> 15 GB, standardfilesystemNTFS
  • The softwareusesstandardwindowsinstallationpaths


  • GetacS410/ GetacS410Performance
  • Panasonic CF-53-MK4
  • Panasonic CF-54
  • VAS 6150, VAS 6150A, VAS 6150B, VAS 6150C, VAS 6150D, VAS 6150E
  • VAS 6160, VAS 6160B, VAS 6160C, VAS 6160E
  • VAS 5054*, VAS 5054A*, VAS 5055*, VAS 6154* or VAS 6154A*(*Please note the restrictions on following page.)

Software dependencies:

  • Windows 7 or Windows 10
  • Installed libraries(DLL) for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010:vcredist_x86.exe(including Windows 7)
  • Installed Visual C++ Redistributablex86forMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010: vcredist_x86.exe(including Windows 7)
  • Internet Explorer 11.0
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 11 or Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
  • Font „Arial Unicode MS Regular“

Restrictions (as of June 2020)

UsageofvehiclecommunicationinterfacesVAS6154 andVAS6154A

Both interface types can be used under Windows 7 and Windows 10.

USB connectivity is recommended.

UsageofvehiclecommunicationinterfacesVAS5054, VAS5054A, andVAS5055

These interface types can be used under Windows 7.

Please note that Windows 7 support ended on December 31st, 2019.

Implemented user requirements in version6.0

In this section, the implemented user requirements of version 6.0are listed with their respective CCB-DS ID and original requirement title.

ODIS Service version6.0.0:

CCB_DS_1609The VWMCD Uninstaller must always be named the same and may occur only once.

CCB_DS_2114Adaptation of the ODIS installation directories to the Microsoft guidelines prescribed by the Volkswagen Group.

CCB_DS_2115The pop-up when calling up diagnostic objects, which was only called up to the test plan by means of sporadic error memory entries, must be adapted to the text and offer decision options that influence the status of the test plan and diagnostic protocol.

CCB_DS_2176With Crafter (LT3) translated texts from the external status list (XML RefTabfor Crafter) should be displayed. (ALM Defect 19356).

CCB_DS_2177ODIS Service must support the identity provider “Group Retail Portal” so that the services connected there can be used.

CCB_DS_2195ODIS has to implement a pop-up for deactivating the diagnostic filter for KWP control units.

CCB_DS_2199All texts within the applications and in the accompanying documents of the ODIS application must comply with ANSI Z535.6.

CCB_DS_2214ODIS service must be able to handle the SAE codes supplied by the Crafter / LT3 controllers.

CCB_DS_2215The disclaimer in ODIS Service should be extended by the warning and information texts.

CCB_DS_2218In the GFS-Light operating mode, ODIS Service must also be able to process traversing tests when simulating diagnosis.

CCB_DS_2227ODIS Service must be able to authenticate itself to the DiagEntryCollector(DEC) cloud service so that the quick diagnosis entry (CCB_DS_2113) and other remote diagnosis functionalities work.

CCB_DS_2272During the ODIS installation, the folder selection (installation folder) should be omitted.

CCB_DS_2283When diagnosing MEB vehicles, it must be ensured that the workshop mode is activated via the service portlet before starting the diagnosis.

CCB_DS_2294ODIS Service must support longer order numbers.

CCB_DS_2317The ODIS products must be able to fully display foreign language content on Windows 10 computers.

CCB_DS_2336ODIS-E must comply with the ISO standard for TCP / IP communication.

CCB_DS_2364The brand coordinator must be able to optionally specify the standard communication path at the vehicle project level.

Defect resolution in version6.0

In this section, the resolved defects of version 6.0are listed with their respective Defect ID and original defect title.

ODIS Service version6.0.0:

#16858Update OS 2.2.4: VAS 6558-6558A ODIS is available twice in the programs and functions after the update

#18402OS 3.1.0 -32.3.3 VCI 5054 Connection abort on Windows user change

#19891AVL DiTestVAS6356 and VAS6558 are not uninstalled after OS 4.3.3 has been updated to OS 4.4.7

#20032OS 5.0.3 transportmodenot possiblein TouareqMQB

Download Toodis Driver

#20195Content is missing in HTML variants of the diagnostic protocol. All content is available in the XML version

#20241USA: GFS terminates with exception ODS5003E (query PR numbers)

#20265OS 6.0: VAS6356 is not uninstalled

#20270 Missing objects when installing increments#20273 OS 6.0: The log helper is not installed#20275 OS 6.0: The ODIS service license cannot be changed using the Select Certificate#20278 OS 6.0 Uninstall window shows wrong text#20283 OS 6.0: Data update does not show versions of the data#20300 OS 6.0 Update VW MCD not possible#20659 ODIS service: There were several error messages ODS4009E in the field#20743 ODIS service: There is a spelling error in the German text after activating the Pro mode

#20747 ODIS S 5.1.3: Parallel flashing does not work#20756 Double vehicle projects (data backup) after update VW Baseline version 2.39.0 in the folder “MCD project”#20761 ODIS-5064 -> Communication when debugging fails#20781 The log helper 6.0.0 is not called in ODIS 6.0.0#20807 Transfer of content from a GFS program to an additional document; Display in additional document incorrect#20832 ODIS Service: Dialog “Decision sporadic event memory entry” Label button must be removed from the buttons#20833 The explanation of the status of the tests in the ODIS service manual is incorrect and must be corrected#20835 OS 6.0 and Loghelper6.0.0 do not send the feedback file to the LogHelperCloud#20845 ODIS Service 6.0.0: The texts on the buttons in the start mask have been cut off#20847 ODIS Service 6.0.0: “VW_MCD_OS” will not be uninstalled#20858 Basic setting “Exhaust gas recirculation test” can not be started. ECUKOM error message CONDITIONS NOT CORRECT

#20862 OS 6.0.0: The textin ANSI boxesisdisplayedtoosmallin ODIS Service

#20868 Duplicateentriesofmeasurementtechnologyin thesystemcontrolafter update toODIS service5.2.2

#20884 Offline SFD activationmessagewindowismissing

#20885 Offline SFD activation-removemeaninglesscharacters

#20917 [ID3] OS / -Nocommunicationvia DoiPon NEO_ID-3

Download 100 Tools Driver

#20936 [ID3] noVIN readingpossiblevia DoIP

#20945 [OE-9] [ID3] nodiagnosisentryvia DoIPpossible

Defectre solution in version6.0

In this section, the resolved defects of version 6.0are listed with their respective Defect ID and original defect title.

ODIS Service version6.0.0:

#20948 When using the VAS6154A, the entry VI-SUFFIX in the VRTVPT seems to be ignored

#20955 ODIS Service 6.0.0: Directories in the ODIS installation folder are not deleted when the singles setup is uninstalled

#20958 ODIS S 5.2.3: new CU_Variablebehaves differently for 0001 and 0051

#20979 Display of pressure sensor VAS611013 limited to 50mbar

#21008 ODIS Service behaves differently when starting diagnostics with backend data

#21057ODIS Service 6.0.0: Java update is not running

#21061ODIS hangs in the start screen (error from market Norway)

#21064ODIS Service 6.0.0: DSS Logon URL does not work

#21068Implausibletime units with ODIS Service 5.2.4

#21071ODIS-Service 5.2.4: During the diagnosis, the connection to the VCI was lost and could not be re-established

#21072After an update (to ODIS 5.2.4) the diagnostic interface is no longer recognized via WLAN or


#21081OS 5.2.4: The VCI is lost between two diagnostic sessions

#21144Time units too high in diagnostic protocol with ODIS Service5.2.6

#21154 & #21185Incorrect IP version selection when starting diagnostics via DoIPon ID.3

#21174ID.3: DoIP-Ackon a diagnostic request is missing

#21181ID.3: Multilink doesnot work

#20824Measurement package VAS6356_2019.3.7 cannot be uninstalled without errors

#21173The DHCP server on the VCI takes too long to negotiate the IP addresses on first contact

ODIS Service version6.0.1:

#21270Notification of outdated software when the program starts

ODIS Service version6.1.0:

#21228 & #21226Adjustment of the timeout to the operating system standard when establishing a TCP connection to correct VCI connection problems

#20236Correction PDX-Builder: Error message when exporting runtime data via symbol


ApprovedAUDI vehicles

  • All AUDI vehicles are supported.

ApprovedVolkswagen vehicles

  • All Volkswagen vehiclesaresupported.

ApprovedVolkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge vehicles

  • All Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge vehiclesaresupported.

ApprovedSeat vehicles

  • All Seat vehicles are supported.

ApprovedSkoda vehicles

  • All Skoda vehicles are supported.

ApprovedBentley vehicles

  • All Bentley vehicles are supported.

ApprovedLamborghini vehicles

  • The following Lamborghini vehicles are supported:Gallardo from MY09-MY14(only immobilizer and radio PIN code), Aventador, Huracán, and Urus.

ApprovedBugatti vehicles

  • Bugatti Veyron and Bugatti Chiron are supported.

ApprovedMAN vehicles

  • MAN-TGEissupported.

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